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nanoblock Shinkansen E5 Hayabusa

As most of my friends, I really do like Legos and I recently discovered a very nice alternative, coming from Japan, called nanoblock! It is funny how I discovered them, as I was searching for more info on Ken Okuyama's latest car model, the kode9, and I found out that he was involved in the design of the Shinkansen Super Komachi train. Since I am a model collector, I started looking for a train model and I ended up discovering the nanoblock models!!!

I ordered both Shinkansen E5 and E6 models and they are simply amazing!!!!!!! The parts are much smaller compared to the Lego ones and I was really surprised by their precision. There are many models available by Kawada, the company that makes nanoblock, so expect more nanoblock related posts soon!

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